Welcome to Ankle Weight & Loop Sculpt, a complete workout system to strengthen, lengthen and define your entire body. Target all those trouble zones with these pilates barre fusion mat routines. Use ankle weights and resistance loops to maximize your results, or if you don't have any equipment you can do it without!
This set includes 12 workouts that can either be used individually or can be mix and matched to create your perfect routine.
DISC 1 - Loop Chisel Series
Arms and Abs (36 mins): This Arms and Abs workout uses unique combination moves to engage every muscle of your core and arms. Using the loop to intensify the exercises you will perform plank variations, c-curve arm and leg extensions as well as a tough oblique series.
Arms and Thighs (44 mins): Using light hand weights you will perform flowing arm exercises that are high in repetition to chisel strong, defined arms. Using the loop to intensify the exercises you will work the front of thighs and inner thighs with fluid combinations that really fatigue the muscles.
Bums and Tums (37 mins): You do all the exercises on one side first before moving onto the other so you really fatigue each muscle group to give you maximum results. This workout will help you lift your seat, flatten your lower belly and sinch your waistline.
Thighs and Abs (29 mins): This Thighs and Abs workout alternates with exercise groupings for the outer thighs, abs and inner thighs. This workout will help you streamline your inner and outer thighs and whittle your waist.
DISC 2 - Ankle Weight Series
Outer Thighs & Glutes (40 mins): You will perform single reps of 3 different exercises and then put them all together with 4 reps of each for 4 sets. There are 3 different exercise groupings for each side and you perform all exercises on one side before moving on to the next - that equals a serious burn!
Abs (30 mins): You will see all your favourite Pilates style exercises as well as some innovative new ones. There is a lot of oblique work to help you sinch your waist and long lever lower belly exercises to flatten your tummy.
Inner Thighs (32 mins): You will perform traditional mat exercises that will sculpt your inner thighs and from every angles. You will perform single reps of 2 different exercises and then put them all together with 4 reps of each for 4 sets.
Front & back of Thighs (41 mins): You will alternate between exercise groupings for the quads and hamstrings. Lots of angle changes and long lever movements will lengthen and define your muscles.
DISC 3 - Double Loop Series
Abs (29 mins): This is a oblique and lower belly focused workout using 2 resistance loops to intensify the exercises. You will hit every angle of your abs as well as some upper ad lower back!
Glutes (40 mins): Starting with a tough curtsey lunge sequence you will quickly heat those glutes before moving to the mat. You will see double loop pretzels and leg raises to give you a lifted seat and round shapely buns!
Inner Thighs (32 mins): The standing section consists of a variety of plies and lunges to really heat up those legs and then you move to the mat with the loops to further fry the inner thighs.
Outer Thighs (37 mins): Get rid of those saddle bags for good with these standing and mat exercises to streamline your outer thighs. The double loop system will effectively sculpt longer, leaner muscles!