Type of Workout: Aerobics & Toning
Fitness Level: Beginner
Equipment Needed: Bosu & a soft weighted Ball
Total Running Time: 110 Minutes
Release Date: unknown
Region: 0 (Worldwide)
BOSU Mobility & Stability for the Active Aging DVD teaches exercises, sequences, drills and skills perfect for the gentle exerciser and active aging market that use the BOSU Balance Trainer in many unique ways. Moving through many of the body's functional positions for activities of daily life, Lawrence and Bernadette demonstrate how the BOSU can provide assistance, resistance, cushioning and stimulus to amplify the impact for this important and growing market of exercisers. Help your clients build functional strength, face their fear of falling with gait training, learn various ways to get up and down, move more efficiently through the entire kinetic chain and ultimately make all of their daily movements easier to do.