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Karen Voight Stretch and Core Conditioning DVD
Karen Voight Stretch and Core Conditioning DVD
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Description Video Clip

Instructor's name: Karen Voight

Type of Workout: Stretching

Fitness Level: All

Equipment Needed: Yoga Blocks

Total Running Time: 45 Minutes
Core Conditioning: 11.5 minutes
Lower Body: 11.5 minutes
Upper Body: 12.5 minutes
Hip & Buttocks: 13 minutes

Release Date: 2013

Region: Region 0 (Worldwide)

Karen's Intro
Full Workout
Core Conditioning
Lower Body Stretch
Upper Body Stretch
Hip and Buttocks Stretch

Stretch and Core Conditioning gets you into peak condition with toned and flexible muscles. Karen conditions your abs, back and glutes, then stretches your lower and upper body with minimal props and easy to follow instructions for impressive results.

You'll learn subtle modifications that improve your alignment, intensify poses and increase your benefits by working your body at your own pace.

The blissful, deeply relaxing workout is set to beautiful background music in the peaceful outdoor setting of Montana

With this 45 min routine you'll re-sculpt and balance your physique in four targeted segments:

- Move your spine through a series of forward and back bending along with twists for a feeling of suppleness and power in your core muscles.
- Learn lower body stretches to elongate and relieve tightness in your legs. Take a break from repetitive weight bearing exercises with moves that feel good to your body
- Transform tense or achy neck, chest, shoulders and arm muscles from heavy weight training or after hours of hunching over a computer, phone, or steering wheel
- Reduce tension in the large and small muscles of your hips and buttocks for renewed energy and increased mobility.

Comes in a CD size cardboard case

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 4.5 of 5 4.5 of 5 Total Reviews: 5 Write a review.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
2 of 5 Karen Voight Stretch and Core Conditioning March 21, 2021
Reviewer: Loretta Smiss from N/A  
Paid full price $19.95. I have a large libarary of exercise DVDs. This DVD lacks imagination (boring). DVD is contained in cardboard sleeve instead of plastic contained. Lacks full description as provided on website. Would not recommend.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 I really need this dvd! March 19, 2016
Reviewer: BCS from San Juan, PR  
Wow! Doing this DVD feels sooo gooood! I'm 41 y/o and my poor back is feeling the side effects of my workout routine. Doing this workout has helped me a lot with the back pain. Also, the scenery is so beautiful, and so peaceful... Dear Karen, if you're reading this, we need more stretch videos. And a big thank you!

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  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 big sky country August 16, 2014
Reviewer: Monica from Dublin, OH United States  
I am not a spontaneous purchaser. However, there was something about Karen Voight’s Stretch and Core Conditioning DVD which caught my attention. The concept seemed like something I would find beneficial. So I bought it.  I don’t regret my hasty purchase. Karen presents four well-choreographed, highly effective routines: core conditioning; and lower, upper, and hips/buttocks stretch. The routines can be done individually or combined. Instruction and cuing is clear and concise. I don’t even need to look at the screen. Karen starts with a base stretch and then gently eases into more advanced variations. I can feel muscle tightness and soreness melt away as the stretches deepen. My hips, a perennial problem area for me, feel wonderful when I am finished as does the rest of my body. Simply, the deep stretches work! The setting is absolutely gorgeous.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 feels great July 16, 2014
Reviewer: Roya from Arkansas  
This one makes me feel great when I finish.  Voight gives you plenty of time to adjust the blocks/props in this one... I discovered that I did not always need the blocks because of my level of flexibility, but sometimes I used them anyway just because it felt right... I kept liking each segment more than the previous one, but I suspect that your favorite will be the one that you need most... I really like this one a lot!

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  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Another Excellent Stretch DVD by KV July 2, 2014
Reviewer: Julie/javamonster from Los Angeles, CA  
You will feel like you've had an all-over body massage. Karen explains clearly, with good humor, where you should be feeling the stretch, how to deepen or modify the moves, and is a soothing presence. I have many of her other DVDs. The ones that I've gotten to are always tougher than they look and I feel it the next day, especially if I haven't worked out for a while. This DVD is no exception. Your abdominals are worked gently. There are some yoga style and Pilates style moves mixed in with more purely athletic stretches. There is a good range.

The DVD is divided up into chapters, so if you want to focus on your shoulders, neck and upper back, you can. Or if it's your hips that need opening up, you can do just that section. OR you can choose to do the entire DVD, of course!

It's only Karen on a platform in the middle of some gorgeous scenery. There are no distractions, either visual or auditory. Just you, Karen on the DVD, and the outdoors. I love it.

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