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Peak Fit Challenge System Resistance Bands
Peak Fit System Resistance Bands
List Price: $19.95
Our Price: $19.95

Quantity in Stock:100

Product Code: 1049


These are the resistance bands that are used for Michelle Dozois' Peak Fit System. Perfect if you need an extra set of bands but don't wish to purchase the entire kit.

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 4 of 5 4 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review.

  0 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
4 of 5 Maybe Obstacle Course Triathlon (type item) May 10, 2021
Reviewer: Russell Driver from Houston,TX  
This one band about/maybe six feet dia. it reminds me of an eighteen wheeler engine belt.The toughest one i've seen for sale.If you have a wall to hang it on so you can turn around and grab an assy. after bench pressing to continue that workout,it would be one way/good?Yes.

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